Best Photographic Gadget For Wildlife Photography and Sports Photography Under 20$

Best Photographic Gadget for Wildlife Photography

The heaviest lenses are the hardest to use when it comes to framing, and for wildlife photography the longer it is, the better chances you have. However, using a long lens is a real pain the neck and for the arms, if you are not using a tripod. And looking for the supermodel who cant stay in the same position for more that half millisecond makes this job much harder than you think, you have to have a lot of patience and liking to this hobby, to make is a successful day.

When I was using a 300mm with a 2 x tele converter I often came to this situation, almost always our models ran away or disappeared into thin air and I was like, the last 3 hours of waiting was for nothing.

So I thought there must be a way, "there is always a way". I am not sure when this idea struck me, but I knew that it was gonna work and I had an idea of making a video about it
check the video here 

So when i finally had the time after wasting away more that 2 years on this idea, here it is

I know right, obvious. Well all you have to do is mount the finder scope as close to the view finder of your camera, using a hot shoe adapter is better. But if you have a better idea then go with that. When you use a hot shoe adapter you can remove the finder scope in two seconds.

After mounding the finder scope close to the view finder. You have to calibrate the finder scope to the lens you are using. it actually an easy process all you have to do is turn a bunch of nobs and you are done.

now make sure the finder sope stays stiff 
and give it a try and do let me know how my idea was  
Thank you


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